Friday, 22 March 2013

New Prettia Colours *SCREAMS*

Now that I'm back home from university for Easter break it's time to think about dying my roots! Initially, I was thinking that maybe it's best to save £10 for Korea and try out some British dyes instead, which can be risky since it can leave my hair looking a tad ginger as well as darken it. Not exactly what I want because I really want lighter and brighter hair for Summer.

Wondering if the price for Prettia has dropped or not (hah yeah right), I paid a visit to eBay to only find out that Prettia has released two new colours: Candy Beige and Rose Tea Brown!
I have my eyes on Rose Tea Brown, despite knowing that the model's hair on the box is blatantly photoshopped and there's no way my hair would look like that without pre-bleaching.
According to this chart the two new colours are relatively less lighter to my usual colour: Milk Tea Brown. However, they are in fact a step lighter than my currently dyed colour: Cassis Berry. 

There's a very likely possibility that the pink will wash out within a few weeks, but at least the brown in my hair will appear a lot more lighter than it does now. Though, I'm quite unsure whether I should take this risk or not, seeing as no one in the blogosphere has posted up a review/pictures of themselves using Red Tea Brown yet. 
Do I take the risk and order 2 boxes of Red Tea Brown or stick to a safer option like Chiffon Beige?
Why 2 boxes? I want to build the colour when I re-dye in August, 1 box simply doesn't do. 

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