Saturday 19 February 2011


It's been 2 days since half term started, and I have yet to do anything productive. I spent my remaining Thursday watching TV shows on YouTube. Friday on manga and more videos. Today? Whipped out Exam sketchbook (YAY!), laid it out on the floor, vowed to do it, 7 hours later, the sketchbook is still there untouched with experimental pieces waiting to be stuck in while I surf the world wide web...(BOO!)

I painted my nails just now though, that's something produ
ctive right? :D Spent a good hour and a half doing it. Most of it was just waiting for layers to dry whilst I test out on what colours to use on a piece of paper and what design to make. I need those thin-brush nail art stuff...
My right hand looks worse than my left (this pic). Ignore the paint that got onto the skin around the nail...I'm fixing that later...

Getting hair cut in Colindale (North London) again on
Tuesday, I feel like going back to my old hairstyle because having straight bangs are too troublesome...Maybe I'll give it another 3 or 4 months...meh.
...Look I got a late V-day rose!

Guess who my BF is? ;D

...MinWoo 8D !

...Just kidding. Father bought it on Tuesday because it was on sale. Originally £8 (because of the Disney Minnie Mouse plushie) and daddy got it for 40p. BARGAIN!
If only I had a BF who would get me a huge £30 Stitch plushie for V-day ; - ; Would freakin love him to death.

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